Football Manager Blog aims to improve how you play FM17. From guides on training and tactics, to wonderkids and youth development. We want to share it all with you. We understand you want to be the best football manager you can be, so read on to learn all you can from this FM17 blog...
We have started a new football manager 2015 gameplay series, in this series we are starting a non league challenge. We have holidayed through the first season until the 24th of June, the day before the league positions for the next season are decided. We then have the choice of 6 teams to manage, three that have been promoted to the conference North and then 3 that have been promoted to the conference South.
football manager 2015 gameplay series non league
For this challenge I have taken over as Buxton - a team who were placed in the conference North. As you can imagine, at this level of football the training facilities are rated as poor and the playing staff will need alot of work doing to it. In the first episode above we review the playing squad and the teams facilities.
This will be a tough challenge but you can subscribe to our channel to see the episodes as soon as they are out!