Football Manager Blog aims to improve how you play FM17. From guides on training and tactics, to wonderkids and youth development. We want to share it all with you. We understand you want to be the best football manager you can be, so read on to learn all you can from this FM17 blog...
The guys over at Sigames, the developers of popular PC game series, football manager, have released a trailer for the documentary, which will be shown in cinemas on the 7th of October 2014. Below you can watch the football manager documentary trailer
Football manager documentary trailer what it shows
The Football manager documentary trailer shows former Cardiff Manager and ex Manchester United player discuss the game, it tells the story of how he tried to sign himself on the game! The Football manager documentary trailer which is only a couple of weeks away from being shown at cinemas nationwide, is set to show gameplay of the new football manager game, football manager 2015. Here at, we are very much looking forward to the new game coming out and will be going to watch the documentary.