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Team training on Football Manager 2016


Team training on Football Manager 2016

Team training Football Manager 2016
Team training screen Football Manager 2016

When you are playing football manager 2016 one of the most important aspects of managing your club is going to be taking a look at the team training. From the team training screen you are able to set the general training that your players will undertake, the scheduling of their training, which looks at if they should be more focused on match training or general training. You can also set the match preparation for your team. I will describe each of these areas of team training in this article and provide tips on the best things to do when setting training for your squad.

General Training

General training Focuses on which area you wish your players to try and improve the attributes in. You can set this to be a balanced training schedule, which will improve the players generally over all of their attributes. You are able to make the training more focused by looking at things such as fitness, ball control, or attacking attributes. You are also able to set the intensity level of the training, just be careful not to set the intensity to high or  you could risk upsetting your players.


The middle section of the team training allows you to set the scheduling of the training, so you can set this to be more match training or less match training. Clearly if there is less match training then the players will Focus more on the general training that you have set for them. If you set this to more match training, then the players will focus on match preparation.

It is up to you to decide which training you wish the players to focus more on. If you would like your players to improve their attributes more, then get them to focus more on their general training. If you feel that your facilities are not good enough to improve the players attributes, then I would suggest you focus on match preparation to make sure that your players understand the Tactics that you have set for them.

Match Preparation

The match preparation section allows you to decide which area of your tactics you would like your players to focus on the most. You can set this so that the players Focus mostly on match tactics or you could get them to train more on their defensive positions, how to defend set pieces or their teamwork. Again you need to access which are you feel is the most important. If you have a number of new players who have joined your team then it might be a good idea to review the team work, or if you are not scoring many goals from set pieces then you can train the players to focus more on this are of their training.

You are able to set what training schedule your players are mostly focusing on during the current week, the next week or in 2 weeks time. If you see that you are playing a team where they are a lot better then your team then it could be a good idea to work on the defensive positioning of your players.

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